Kakushi Tori de no San Akuni is now playing |
Kakushi Tori de no San Akuni is now playing in the theatres. Akira Kurosawa directed this animation movie.
It's about a female fish that falls in love with a handsome boy and uses her magical powers to make herself a human being.
(I asked, why didn't the boy want to become a fish?)
Fuji TV put on a 27 hour show |
Fuji TV put on a 27 hour show including Oretatishoukinzou greats Beetle Takeshi, Akashira Sanma and Kiichi
Nakai, the actor.
The Manzai team of Yasushi and Kiyoshi |
The Manzai team of Yasushi and Kiyoshi from Osaka were the team to beat in the 70's. Yasushi wore glasses
with no lens.
July 29, 2008 A woman and three kids died in a flash flood on the Togagawa river in Kobe. 20,000 were
evacuated. I saw a picture on the internet where Nobeoka experienced a flooding about 120 years ago. I couldn't determine
how may people died.